Designers, Builders and Architects - Doors and Trims at the Turkstra Design Centre here at our Stoney Creek location.
Designers, Builders and Architects - Doors and Trims at the Turkstra Design Centre in Stoney Creek.


Whether you are a designer, builder, architect contractor or home owner, the Turkstra Design Centre is a beautiful space where individuals and professionals can meet to see a wide variety of products and in various applications. The Design Centre is a showcase of some of the best products we have to offer in a simulated environment. You can see windows, doors, trim, siding, hardware, and more in the application as if they were a part of your home. The Design Centre is a great visual aid that puts the physical products in front of you, so you can have the confidence of experiencing tangible products from many product categories to make the perfect informed decision regarding your design needs.

Help your clients bring their personalities to life. Turkstra Lumber created a showcase for you to get to know our products better, while displaying interior solutions tailored to professionals like you, as a way to inspire your unique design ideas. You can meet our team and see the Design Centre by scheduling an appointment by visiting the ‘Contact‘ section.